BLT WORLD supplies a range of Samson apron belt feeders, designed for bulk materials handling in sewage treatment plants

“Samson surface feeders offer flexibility for efficient materials handling reception in diverse applications, including sewage treatment plants. This system, which requires minimal civil works, provides an economical alternative to expensive fixed installations,” says Ken Mouritzen, Managing Director, BLT WORLD. “Operating costs and maintenance requirements are significantly lower than with conventional materials handling systems. These robust bulk materials handling systems are also available as mobile equipment and are suitable for conveying materials to screw feeders, conveyors and bucket elevators.”

Samson sewage treatment plant- rear truck

Samson surface feeders receive sewage sludge directly from tipping trucks and loading shovels, providing a buffer storage capacity, without the need for large ramps or underground pits. This system, which is a flexible and cost-efficient alternative to conventional underground hoppers, is installed above ground by simply being bolted to a flat concrete slab foundation, eliminating costly civil engineering works. Even in fixed installations this portable system can be easily relocated for future plant development.

The Samson wide belt design, with steel apron bar technology, ensures reliable material flow – even of wet and sticky materials – without the risk of bridging. Trapezoidal apron bars support the load through to the conveyor chain rollers, with the conveyor belt riveted above the steel apron bars to seal the load within the Samson body. Conveyor chains are always outside the material flow, which means chain wear is reduced and inspection is easy. Close contact flexible rubber side seals mounted outside the loaded area prevent side spillage.

Samson apron belt feeder for sewage treatment plants

Chain rollers support the load, reducing frictional losses and minimise power consumption. Positive conveyor chain drive prevents slippage and allows high torque transmission within compact dimensions.

In environmentally sensitive applications that involve handling offensive materials like sewage sludge, odour control vents may be provided for connection to a centralised odour control system.

A wide range of optional equipment and accessories enhance the flexibility and efficiency of this materials handling system.

BLT WORLD’s range of Samson bulk materials handling equipment includes link conveyors, grab hoppers, surface feeders, radial boom stackers and mobile shiploaders.


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